Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Three Little Kittens

I've had The Three Little Kittens nursery rhyme stuck in my head the past few weeks. I'm currently fostering a mother cat and her three tiny kittens. I can seriously spend hours playing with them on the couch. Jeff calls it my kitten heaven, which is sadly not far from the truth. I'm not the only one that loves them though. I brought Jack, the three year old I nanny, over for a play date with my neighbor, Joshua. Joshua thought it would be a good idea to lick the kittens. When I told him he should probably stop because they were dirty, Jack knowingly added, "Yeah, and they're not cooked yet." I'm going to have to keep my eye on that kid.


Beth said...

I'm so glad you get to keep them for a while and enjoy your kitten nirvana--as long as you can keep them from being eaten by preschoolers :D

Kate said...

I was thinking of naming my little boy Jack, but now I'm not so sure. Wouldn't want him to be associate with a cat-nible. (snigger)

Seriously, though, the kittens are too cute.

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